ALERT: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) have been observed in the south eastern end of the lake. LEARN MORE
The research and education boat, or “The Bob,” plays an important part in the SLA’s core programs. Additionally it hosts ongoing research conducted by Syracuse University, ESF, and other higher education institutions in the following capacity:
The Bob will also be host to small group education programs and teacher workshops that will complement the SLA’s Floating Classroom initiative.
July 8, 2022 – Press Observer article about The Bob
Many thanks to our founding donors and in-kind supporters of The Bob. Special thanks to SLA Board of Director and Lake Ecology Team Co-Chair Dr. Bill Dean, and John Menapace with Aquatic Invasives, Inc. for contributing to the fabrication of The Bob.
Thank you to Fran Rotunno Fish for her critical role in supporting the fund development necessary to see The Bob hit the waters.
The Skaneateles Lake Association would also like to thank the following for their donations:
David & Amy Allyn
Henry & Helga Beck
Dessa Bergen
David Birchenough & Carrie Lazarus
Wendy Blewett
Virginia Bryce
Laura Busby
Jeffrey & Marybeth Carlberg
Delores Chappell
Aimee Clinkhammer
Paul & Linda Cohen
The Columbian Foundation
Stephen Congel
Suzanne Congel
Jim & Sharon Cross
Robert & Roberta Culbertson
Jeffrey & Barbara Culhane
William & Barbara Dean
Merrill & Paula Denslow
Sid & Suzanne Devorsetz
Charles & Kimberly Driscoll
Ham & Fran Fish
Ronald & Rose Ann Gay
Sheila Goetzmann
David Graham
Greenville LLC
Holland Gregg & Patience Brewster
Amy Lynn Gregory
Brian & Maureen Harkins
Kenneth & Barbara Hearst
Donna Himmelfarb
Richard & Deborah Hole
Robert & Claire Howard
Peter & Jane Hueber
Jackie Keady
David & Sheril Ketchum
Edward & Lena Kochian
Richard & Mary Kokosa
Dorothy Krause
Judith Krieger
Lakeview Auto & Marine (Bob, Terri & Rachael DeWitt)
Carolyn Legg
Brian & Jean Madigan
Mary Marshall
Kevin & Fran McCormack
Jim & Julie Moore
Judith Morrissey
Frank Moses
Patricia Orr
Michael Paciorek
Lawrence & Nan Pardee
Steven Phillippy & Janice Kemp Phillippy
Shirlee Powers
Floramay Racz
N. Sandor & Kristy Racz
Yvonne Racz, William & Gretchen Roberts
Andy & Kitty Robinson
Daniel & Linda Roche
Scott Rogers
Michael Schrader & Lauren Kochian
Steve & Sharon Songer
Wolfram & Elena Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stevens
Gene & Joan Tarolli
Nancy Tiedemann
James & Deborah Tifft
Paul & Mary Torrisi
Larry & Katherine Weiss
Joe & Shasta White
Randall & Paula White & Frank Canastrano
Charles Williams
Lucy Williams
Marilyn Wurzburger
The SLA could not have completed the Dr. Robert Werner Research & Education Boat without the in-kind donations from members, vendors and Skaneateles community businesses.
Thank you kindly to Bob Werner’s son-in-law Andy Robinson for producing this video and capturing the spirit of “The Bob” emanating from the legacy Dr. Robert Werner has left for the lake community. Andy is a retired professor with Syracuse University’s Newhouse School and owner of PR Productions.
The Dr. Robert Werner Research and Education Boat hit the waters in the summer of 2022.