ALERT: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) have been observed in the south eastern end of the lake.  LEARN MORE



The Skaneateles Lake Association is starting its 6th year after emerging from its predecessor organizations.  Our mission to promote environmentally and aesthetically sound regional management of Skaneateles Lake and its watershed remains the same.  What we must do to achieve that mission has evolved from milfoil removal and milfoil growth control, to the prevention of the introduction of other invasive plant and animal species and investigation of other potential threats to the clear lake and pure waters for which the lake has long been known.

In 2011, the Skaneateles Lake Association evolved from its predecessor organizations and its board planned a funding program which focused on annual membership fees generated by a broad membership base of lakefront and lake rights owners, businesses that thrive on the lake setting, the entire Skaneateles Lake community that is enhanced by the lake and all those who enjoy the lake for a wide range of recreational activities.

With the introduction of an annual membership campaign the SLA membership began to slowly grow. After starting with 293 members in 2011, our membership grew to 705 members in 2015.  What was especially important about our growth in 2015 is that 140 people/families/business/organizations joined the SLA for the FIRST TIME.  It is also significant that 125 of those 705 members joined the SLA every year since 2011!  These sustaining members are the backbone of our financial stability and our ability to continue all of our efforts.

The first focus of our 2016 campaign is to regain the all of the 2014 members who did not renew their annual membership in 2015. Individual letters have been sent to each of them asking them to “jump aboard” again in 2016.  .  Our 2nd membership effort for 2016 is focused on renewal of the memberships registered in the first quarter of 2015.  Letters were sent by mid-February requesting renewal of those memberships. Memberships in the SLA are rolling.  Membership extends for 1 year from the date of the prior membership date.  Because we have a rolling membership we send our annual renewal notices out in the early part of each quarter.  But, members do not have to wait to get a renewal notice letter.  To join at any time during the year, you can go to and click on the “Membership/Support” to join for the first time or rejoin for 2016.  For those who find it easy, there is a membership application on the back of each of our newsletters.  Finally, you can also call 315-685-9106 and ask for a member registration form to be sent to you.

The SLA is planning its 3rd annual meeting to be held on Sunday, July 10th from 5 pm to 7pm (location to be announced at a later date).  This event has been an informative and fun gathering of those who love our lake.  Please save that date on your calendar and join in this special event.

For those of you who have lakefront or lake rights property, this is the time of the year when the combination of increasing lake water level and spring storms can play havoc with the waterfront. If you can, it is a very good time to check your waterfront and anything you might have left on it.  Make sure all items are secured and, if you chose, identified in some way.  If you should lose (or gain) any item remember to use the “contact us” tab on the SLA website to give us the details and how to reach you and we will post the item on our “Lost and Found” list.

Source:  Skaneateles Press


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