ALERT: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) have been observed in the south eastern end of the lake.  LEARN MORE


The season thus far has given us some challenges with the weather, but we are pleased to be able to report some significant progress in our workplan for the season.

John Menapace put his giant sewing machine to work to complete the assembly of the additional acre of matting that we wanted to have. As a result, the Milfoil Team has put down 6 acres of matting over the larger milfoil patches identified in the Fall 2016 survey done by Bob Werner. The Milfoil Team used a second boat to deliver mats to the sites being addressed while the “dive boat” with its team was on site doing the work of putting the mats down.

Our 2017 annual membership campaign is in full force and we are pleased to see that we have registered about 50 “new to the SLA” annual memberships. There continue to be far too many who are not SLA annual members who significantly benefit from the lake as a value base for their lakefront or lake rights property, a source of recreation or rest, an attraction for a customer base for all types of business and services and, of course a source of drinking water. We plan to continue to reach out to those people and businesses. We are very pleased that following our annual meeting a few people stepped up to take on the responsibility for reaching to specified groups of potential members. Over the past few weeks we have sent reminders to those whose memberships were due to be renewed in the first half of the year who have not yet done so. Getting them onboard as annual members for 2017 could have a significant impact on our total membership and…… membership MATTERS. It is our major source of income for all that we plan to do and the size of our membership gives credence to both governmental agencies and potential grant funding source agencies from whom we seek funding for special projects.

A group of young people under the direction of our new board member, Debbie Bobbett, wanted to make the best of their summer and they stated a small business called “Live Love Lake” committing to donate their proceeds to the SLA. You might have seen them at their tent in front of the Packwood House on Community Days. They defined the SLA as “a group of people who help clean and preserve our beautiful lake” and they ask the community to imagine what the lake would look like without the SLA. These young people, like Erica and Ken Byrne, who have worked for years to help support the SLA, set a standard for all members of the lake community to follow…get involved, join in.

Many of our members make additional donations to specifically support specific aspects of our work plan. We are slowly working towards the financial stability where we are able to put the funds we collect in the 2nd half of the year towards the funding we will need the next year. This leaves us feeling secure to make plans for the following year knowing that we will have the funds to pay contracts and buy supplies and equipment.

Please thank the following members whose additional donations in 2016 funded our 2017 workplan as sponsors or co-sponsors of the two Milfoil Workboats.


Sponsors of a Milfoil Boat for a Day: The Allyn Foundation, Paul & Karen Black, Joseph & Katherine Compagni, John Coughlin, Craig & Barbara Froelich, Holy Gregg & Patience Brewster, Lindsay Groves, Thomas & Jane Hanley, Joe & Mary Ellen Hennigan, Peter & Jane Hueber, David & Sherill Ketchum, John & Kimberly Mezzalingua, John Macallister & Laurel Moranz, John & Elizabeth McKinnell, Gardner & Lynn McLean, Richard & Alexandra Nicklas, Ted & Nancy Norman, Dan & Linda Roche, Joseph & Lynn Romano, Carl Schram & Ellen Brown, Angelo & Margaret Scopelianos, Winding Way Association, Frank Suits, Donald & Chancea Sundman, Richard & Nancie Way, The Dwight D. Winkelman Foundation, Doug Wood & Barbara Conner.


Co-sponsors of the Milfoil Boat for a Day: Eric Allyn & Margaret O’Connell, John & Dawn Altmeyer, Joseph & Deborah Augustine, Peter & Annette Becker, Eugenia Brieva, Ken & Erica Byrne, William & Deborah Delaney, Anonymouus19, Thomas Eshelman, Bob & Beth Filczkcwski, Tom & Carol Fletcher, Joseph & Mary Gaffney, Paul & Jane Garrett, William & Marybeth Gleason, David & Carla Goffe, Tim & Illlyssa Green, Greenfield Lane Association, Lorraine Gudas, Dana & Susan Hall, Douglas & Pamela Hamlin, Brian & Maureen Harkins, Kenneth & Barbara Hearst, Philip & Judy Hider, Robert & Marcia Hunt, Bruce & Linda Kenan, Richard & Mary Kokosa, Richard & Shelly Kraetz, Chris & Karen Kreidler, Chris Lett & Nancy Thomas, Gary & Mary Jane Lowery, Ross Martin & Dr. Deborah Blazey-Martin, David & Norma McCarthy, William & Cynthia McCauley, Steve Mott, Randy Cobb & Jackie Brown, Patty Orr, Dan & Lisa Riordan, Doug & Judy Robertson, Kurt & Jill Russell, John & Marion Rotondo, Russell & Linda Ruthig, Charles Ryan & Eileen Murphy, Gerard & Virginia Shanley, The Sherwood Inn, Paul & Genevieve Suits, Ben & Kathleen Tarantino, Ten Mile Point South Cottage Homeowners Association, Cynthia Dietz Tracy, Ralph & Patricia Troisi, Jaime Tuozzolo, Gary & Ann Tyndall, Leah Valenti, John & Judy Varney, Dr. Robert Vitkus, Gregory & Kelly Weaver, Lawrence & Katharine Weiss, Westside Lake Association, David & Heather Wheat, Patricia Woodcock, Eric Yopes & Amelia Kaymen.


Source: Skaneateles Press









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