ALERT: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) have been observed in the south eastern end of the lake.  LEARN MORE


While our beautiful Skaneateles Lake has been frozen in many areas the past few months, lake lovers, as I have mentioned before, have been using the lake as ‘home court” for many activities.  Despite the deep cold, ice fishing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and of course, our Polar Bear Plunge have been part of lake life.

The Board of the Skaneateles Lake Association has also been very active this winter. Our big news is that our website,, has been completely redesigned and updated.  There is so much information on it and so many ways you can use it to actually see what we do and what the results have been.  Please visit the website and let us know what you think of the content areas and the usability.

The SLA Board has been analyzing our membership in preparation for full speed ahead with our 2015 membership campaign.  To date, we have sent out about 40 letters to some former members who did not join in 2014 asking them to help us “kick off” our 2015 campaign by joining early.  There are many others who were members in earlier years, but not members in 2014 and we will be making a special effort to get them to join this year.  We have also sent out over 100 letters to folks who joined in January, February or March of 2014 asking that they join as annual members for 2015 now.  It is so important for our funding that we know where we are early in the year and that we keep the funds flowing in throughout the year.

The SLA’s annual membership campaign is paid for with funds we have from annual membership fees.  Like all not for profit organizations we are always looking for ways to maximize the funds we have to achieve our mission.  You can help us to maximize those funds by almost 5% by going to our website,  Click on the “membership” link and then on the “current members” link.  You will see that only a few people have joined to date for 2015.  Join that group of people NOW by clicking on the “Renew Membership” or “Become a Member” link.  Here is how you can expand you annual SLA membership fee:

  • If you join without the SLA having to send you an annual membership renewal reminder letter, you save us the cost of paper, envelopes, printing and postage.. You also save volunteer time that is necessary to put those mailings together.


  • If you select to pay your annual SLA membership registration by check instead by credit card or PayPal account, you save us the fee that we have to pay to PayPal.


Please consider this easy process to make your membership dollars go farther.  If you do not have access to the internet please call 315-685-9106 after April 8th and I will send a 2015 membership registration form to you.  

Source:  Skaneateles Press


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