ALERT: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) have been observed in the south eastern end of the lake.  LEARN MORE

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Fran Rotunno

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News from the Skaneateles Lake Association

Ongoing Milfoil Containment Project    Buzz Roberts & Fran Rotunno Fish

Many in our Skaneateles Lake community probably think that our Milfoil Containment Program begins in the late spring or early summer.  But actually, each year, the SLA program to contain the invasive weed, Eurasian Milfoil, begins in the fall.

During late August and early September, when weed growth is the highest, a pontoon boat specially equipped is utilized to survey the lake for large patches of milfoil in order to identify potential areas to be matted the following year. A side scan sonar is employed to identify the patches. Confirmation that these are truly milfoil is done with visual assessment and recorded by site location.  The sonar data and sit location data is then downloaded and sent to a company that analyses the information and a map of the areas identified is created.

The map of Skaneateles Lake with identified milfoil patches is then reviewed to determine the largest patches and also to determine which of those large patch areas can be matted.  While we always want to mat the largest patches as they are the largest source for further milfoil growth there are two other factors that weigh into the decision about what areas to mat.  The condition of the lake bottom has to be considered in determining if a potential area can be matted.  If the lake bottom has a deep layer of silt, we cannot mat the area.  It is not possible because our divers cannot work safely if they cannot see.  In areas where the lake bottom has deep silt, a dive’s foot placed on the bottom of the lake raises the silt with every step taken and they cannot see to safely do the work required to roll out the mats.  The process is not like the one you see on TV for new Empire carpeting where the cartoon character just flips the new carpet over the floor!  The second consideration that is part of the “where to place the matting” decision has to do with the slope of the lake bottom.  If the milfoil patch is located in an area of the lake where there is a significant slope to the bottom of the lake, the matting cannot be placed.  Even with rebar sewn into the mats every 6 feet, on a slope the mats can slip and move.  Not only will they not stay where placed, but they can also move enough to end up covering residents’ water intake pipes causing a problem with their water source and potentially damage to their water pumps.

After the areas to be matted are identified, the Milfoil Control effort moves into action in the spring of the following year.  Scuba divers are recruited and the 2 pontoon boats used and their motors are prepped for the season. By June the benthic (lake bottom) matting begins. With over 225 separate sections of matting making up the total 6 acres of matting, the Milfoil team selects the number and size of mats they need for each area to be matted and moves them by pontoon boat to each area to be matted.  The scuba divers roll out sections of the matts over designated Milfoil sites. These heavy matts have rebar metal rods sawn across them in sleeves placed at 6-foot intervals. The divers work in teams of four with 2 divers at a time in the lake, one pilot on the boat, and another one on the boat directing the operation, and in constant communication through headsets with the divers under the water.

Starting in August, the matts are rolled up with first down being rolled up first.   The team moves from site to site until all the mats are rolled up.  Then the work of picking up the rolled-up mats begins using a pontoon boat specially outfitted with a crane to lift the heavy mats onto the deck of the pontoon boat.  The mats are heavy when dry and, of course, heavier when wet.  Depending on the size of the mats they pick up mats until the pontoon boat is loaded and then the boat returns to the marina where the matts are lifted by crane to a truck and transported for winter storage.

Although complete eradication of Milfoil is not possible, this program prevents the takeover of Skaneateles Lake by this invasive macrophyte, which, left unchecked, would eventually cover a large surface area of the lake.:

We repeat the process every year and can expect to have to continue to do so to continue to contain expansion of the milfoil.  If you are out on the lake and see the milfoil team at work, give them a wave.  If you see the “diver down” marker, give them space.  The work the team does means they are cold even in their wet suits in the spring and hot in their wet suits as the summer progresses.

We thank the following for sponsoring the Milfoil Boat for a day or multiple days:  Sarah & Kevin Goode, Margaret O’Connell & Eric Allyn, Patience Brewster & Holly Gregg, John Osborne, Jessica & Patrick Daniel, Johanna & Gianfranco Frittelli, Lakeview Auto and Marine (Bob, Terry and Rachael DeWitt), Laurel Moranz & John Macallister, Victoria & Richard Meyer and an Anonymous Donor.

We thank the following for co-sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day or multiple days:  Patricia & William McAvoy, Deborah & Joseph Augustine, Eleanor & Ben Ware, Wendy Blewett, Robert, Congel, Joan & Michael Niswender, The Coppo Family, Nancy & Guy Easter, Julie & Joe Scuderi, Beth & Bob Filiczkowski, Elizabeth Downes & Patrick Doyle, Patience Brewster & Holly Gregg, Linda & Bruce Kenan, Mary Knepper & Susan Mark, Ann & William Lynn, Steve Mott, Lauren Moranz & John Macallister, Mary Pat & Dan Suits, Joseph McCaffrey, Kelly & Gregory Weaver, Barbara Kay & George Bristol, Lakeview Auto and Marine (Bob, Terry and Rachael DeWitt), Peg Kelly, Mary Jane & Gary Lowery, Nicole Way Allyn, Donna & Raymond Kurlak,

Source:  Skaneateles Press Observer 10/8/2020

General News

Al’s Place….A Shelter for the SLA Stewards      

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fran Rotunno Fish


Alfred Coon was the Town of Scott Fuller Park Ranger when SLA President Paul Torris…i and SLA Board Member Buzz Roberts who is in charge of the SLA’s Invasive Species Monitoring Program first met at Fuller Park.  Al was quick to point out to Paul and Buzz that while it was great that we had Stewards at the Park help ensure that boats and trailers were not carrying any invasive species that we were missing a lot of boats.  He noted that our Steward came on duty at 8 am, but the fishing boats were arriving much earlier.

Paul and Buzz, noting that Al lived just about on top of Fuller Park were quick to ask Al if he would like to be one of our Stewards.  All agreed and became our first Senior Steward.  Al had long been a steward of the lake he loved; indeed, he was a guardian of the lake.  His commitment to his role as an Invasive Species Monitoring Steward came to set a standard for our high school and college students and lead to the SLA expanding our use of “senior” stewards

Al’s passing a year and a half ago was a loss to the SLA and our program, but his legacy of commitment to protecting the lake from invasive species and doing his job 100% set a standard that has had a lasting impact on all of our SLA Stewards and one that is shared as new Stewards join our program.

The SLA wanted to honor Al in a special way that would encourage the memory of him and his standard for performing his job and we were assisted with a generous donation from the Columbian Foundation which has funded other SLA purchases in the past.

The Fuller Park Launch in the Town of Scott had no shelter for our Stewards who are there rain or shine in both hot and cold weather.  There was no shelter for them in unpleasant weather and no place to store their supplies, rain gear, lunch, etc.

like the one at the NYS DEC Boar Launch in Skaneateles and the Board determined that it could be our tribute to Al Coon.

A beautiful black walnut sign was crafted by Tim Johnson, Environmental Scientist with Anchor QEA and Skaneateles resident, who is working with SLA’s Lake Ecology Team in helping to identify and design watershed restoration and remediation to better control nutrient runoff and prevent Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).   The sign was crafted from wood from Tim’s family farm with the following inscription “Al’s Place.  In memory of Al Coon, Senior Steward Skaneateles Lake Association with generous funding from the Columbian Foundation.”

We unveiled the sign hanging on the shed on Tuesday, July 21.  We were pleased to have  Al’s wife, Nancy; Town Board Member, Andrew Fuller who donated the funds for the park and its maintenance; Columbian Foundation Board Members David Graham and Susan Cox and a group of Al’s friends and neighbors in attendance along with  SLA Board President Paul Torrisi and Board members Buzz Roberts and Fran Fish; SLA Executive director, Frank Moses, some of our SLA Stewards; and the sign’s creator,, Tim Johnson..

Right now residents of the Skaneateles Lake Watershed Community and all who benefit from the lake as a drinking water source, a place for recreation or a promotion of business can join us in honoring Al in several was:  become a member of the  SLA;  sponsor a Steward for a day in Al’s memory; and take our Lake Friendly Land Care Pledge and request a Lake Friendly Land Care sign on your property.

You can do all of these things online at or call 315-558-3142 for assistance to do so.

We thank the following for supporting a Steward for a day:  Gwen Birchenough, Marvin & Patti Longley, John & Susan Solomon, David & Jacqueline Eng, Jayne Howard, James & Emily Johnson, Julie Abbot Kenan, Linda Ahern, Bill & Jane Cummings, Paul & Joy Charmandy, Margot McCormack, William & Sandra Nichols, Kristopher Scholl, Ian & Kary Raddant, James & Nancy Marquardt, David & Joyce Larrison, Gianfranco & Johanna Frittelli, Dennis & Ashby Longwell, John Macallister & Laurel Moranz, Bill & Jen Warning, James & Racquel Vlassis, Barbara Egtvedt, Bruce & Patti Texeira, Ann Hinchcliff, Ann Killian, John & Wendy Kopley, Robert & Christine Pierce, Cate & Sally, Neil & Alice Houser, and 2 Anonymous Donors.

We thank the following for contributions to the David Lee Hardy Fund which provides support to our Invasive Species Monitoring Stewards Program:  David &  Fagliarone, Gwen Birchenough, Jeffrey Stregiel, Clayton Theisen, Judd Seales, Christ & Cathi Pickney, John & Frances McNerney, Richard Lynch, Richard & Janice Wiles, Donald Babcock & Caroline Kaye, William & Sandra Nichols, Kristopher Scholl, Doug & Bev Smith, Janice Hardy, F. J. Estlinbaum Barge & Crane, Jim & Sharon O’Connell, Kimball Clark, Francine Devitt, John Macallister & Laurel Moranz, Robert Warfield, Patty Orr, Lois Exner, Jim & Patti Hertz, Chris Johnson & Jean Shook, Gregory Kenian & Mary Ellen Faughnan, Craig & Rhonda Richards, Paula White, Joseph & Catherine Compagni

General News

Why He Joined!

                                                                                                                                        Fran Rotunno Fish

The best part of the volunteer job as the SLA Membership Chair is having the opportunity to talk with, email and read letters from members around the lake, across the country and even a few outside of the country. The stories that I hear often include complements for the SLA’s efforts to protect Skaneateles Lake and its watershed….always great to hear or read. But other stories in those conversations, emails and letters are also very special to hear or read about and they are the stories of why people joined. Those stories range from multigenerational life on the lake for some families down to the most basic reason….I drink the water. It does not take much attention to what is happening to water supplies to understand that being the reason for many people. That reason is born out in the number of members who DO NOT live on the waterfront or even have lake rights, but who do drink the water via the village water system.
This past week, however, I had a conversation with a new member that was very special. We received a new membership from a person who lives in another lake community. After checking out the various databases available, I found this person did not own property in any of the towns in the Skaneateles Lake watershed and was not in business in the area. Since he provided his phone number, I called him and after thanking him for joining I simply said “so tell me why did you join the SLA…you don’t live here, own property in the lake community or have a business here.” His response was simple….”I love the lake. I drive to Skaneateles just to walk around and look at the lake and I figure if I love it, then the right thing to do is to support organizations like the SLA.” WOW!
I have an envelope that I hand out at some events that has an SLA member registration form and a return envelope tucked into it, but the front of the envelope has this message: If you live on the lake; if you boat, swim, kayak, sail or paddle the lake; if you fish the lake, if you drink the lake water; if the lake draws customers to your business or if you just love the lake, shouldn’t you be a member of the Skaneateles Lake Association? This new member did not get one of those envelopes to encourage his membership, but he did understand the principle of the last statement on the front of the envelope….SUPPORT WHAT YOU LOVE. The Skaneateles Lake Association is the only not for profit organization whose ONLY focus is Skaneateles Lake and its watershed so I will repeat the message on the envelope. If you live on the lake; if you boat, swim, kayak, sail or paddle the lake; if you fish the lake, if you drink the lake water; if the lake draws customers to your business or if you just love the lake, shouldn’t you be a member of the Skaneateles Lake Association?
You can join the SLA online at or you can call 315-558-3142 for a member registration form and return envelope to be sent to you. If you are already an SLA member you can contribute to the Legacy Fund for Skaneateles Lake and support our efforts to prevent future Harmful Algal Blooms by making a contribution to the Legacy Fund online at or by mailing your check made out to the SLA (noting the memo line “Legacy Fund”) to P. O. Box 862 Skaneateles, NY 13152.
We thank the Columbian Foundation for the generous funding that will enable us to purchase and install a shed for our Invasive Species Monitoring Stewards who are on duty at the Town of Scott Boar Launch. This shed will provide them with protection form the elements and also provide them with safe storage of equipment supplies and personal gear.
We thank the following for sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day: Amelia Kaymen & Eric Yopes, Aster Weddings & Events, Margaret & Angelo Scopelianos, Lynn & Gardner McLean, Karen & Paul Black, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leone. Karen & Paul Black, Jennifer & Mathew Carden.
We thank the following for co-sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day: Jessica & Douglas Fedderman, Siglinde Wikstrom, Paula & Edward Conan, Gina & Geoffrey Wickwire, Anonymous Donor.
We thank the following for sponsoring a Steward for a day: Julie Abbot-Kenan, Skaneateles Jewelry, Catherine & Steve Fedrizzi, Mary & Michael Hearn, Merily & Gerhard Heyer, Richard Evans.
We thank the following for their donations to the David Lee Hardy Fund that helps support our Steward Program: Mary Socci, Robert & Francine Torrisi, Patricia Worrel.

Fran Rotunno Fish


The best part of the volunteer job as the SLA Membership Chair is having the opportunity to talk with, email and read letters from members around the lake, across the country and even a few outside of the country. The stories that I hear often include complements for the SLA’s efforts to protect Skaneateles Lake and its watershed….always great to hear or read. But other stories in those conversations, emails and letters are also very special to hear or read about and they are the stories of why people joined. Those stories range from multigenerational life on the lake for some families down to the most basic reason….I drink the water. It does not take much attention to what is happening to water supplies to understand that being the reason for many people. That reason is born out in the number of members who DO NOT live on the waterfront or even have lake rights, but who do drink the water via the village water system.

This past week, however, I had a conversation with a new member that was very special. We received a new membership from a person who lives in another lake community. After checking out the various databases available, I found this person did not own property in any of the towns in the Skaneateles Lake watershed and was not in business in the area. Since he provided his phone number, I called him and after thanking him for joining I simply said “so tell me why did you join the SLA…you don’t live here, own property in the lake community or have a business here.” His response was simple….”I love the lake. I drive to Skaneateles just to walk around and look at the lake and I figure if I love it, then the right thing to do is to support organizations like the SLA.” WOW!

I have an envelope that I hand out at some events that has an SLA member registration form and a return envelope tucked into it, but the front of the envelope has this message: If you live on the lake; if you boat, swim, kayak, sail or paddle the lake; if you fish the lake, if you drink the lake water; if the lake draws customers to your business or if you just love the lake, shouldn’t you be a member of the Skaneateles Lake Association? This new member did not get one of those envelopes to encourage his membership, but he did understand the principle of the last statement on the front of the envelope….SUPPORT WHAT YOU LOVE. The Skaneateles Lake Association is the only not for profit organization whose ONLY focus is Skaneateles Lake and its watershed so I will repeat the message on the envelope.   If you live on the lake; if you boat, swim, kayak, sail or paddle the lake; if you fish the lake, if you drink the lake water; if the lake draws customers to your business or if you just love the lake, shouldn’t you be a member of the Skaneateles Lake Association?

You can join the SLA online at or you can call 315-558-3142 for a member registration form and return envelope to be sent to you. If you are already an SLA member you can contribute to the Legacy Fund for Skaneateles Lake and support our efforts to prevent future Harmful Algal Blooms by making a contribution to the Legacy Fund online at or by mailing your check made out to the SLA (noting the memo line “Legacy Fund”) to P. O. Box 862 Skaneateles, NY 13152.

We thank the Columbian Foundation for the generous funding that will enable us to purchase and install a shed for our Invasive Species Monitoring Stewards who are on duty at the Town of Scott Boar Launch. This shed will provide them with protection form the elements and also provide them with safe storage of equipment supplies and personal gear.

We thank the following for sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day: Amelia Kaymen & Eric Yopes, Aster Weddings & Events, Margaret & Angelo Scopelianos, Lynn & Gardner McLean, Karen & Paul Black, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leone. Karen & Paul Black, Jennifer & Mathew Carden.

We thank the following for co-sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day: Jessica & Douglas Fedderman, Siglinde Wikstrom, Paula & Edward Conan, Gina & Geoffrey Wickwire, Anonymous Donor.

We thank the following for sponsoring a Steward for a day: Julie Abbot-Kenan, Skaneateles Jewelry, Catherine & Steve Fedrizzi, Mary & Michael Hearn, Merily & Gerhard Heyer, Richard Evans.

We thank the following for their donations to the David Lee Hardy Fund that helps support our Steward Program: Mary Socci, Robert & Francine Torrisi, Patricia Worrel.

Source:  Skaneateles Press Observer 12/19/19

General News

Harmful Algal Blooms – the three C’s

William Dean, PhD, Robert Werner PhD, Fan Rotunno Fish

The emergence of HAB’s in Skaneateles Lake, a lake that has long been described as one of the most pristine bodies of water in the state, has an impact that is Critical, Complex and Costly to local residents as well as those depending on the lake for their water supply.

While the emergence of HABs on Skaneateles Lake has raised Critical safety concerns over water quality it will also have significant impacts on the watershed community as a whole. Its impact on many components of the lifeblood of the area is not only Complex, but also Costly to the watershed/lake community, the city of Syracuse, and Onondaga County.

The Skaneateles Lake Association, in collaboration and coordination with its many partners, has been intensively studying the lake and its tributaries for the past two years. The SLA’s Nutrient Management Committee, a team of SLA Board members, watershed community residents and governmental representatives with a broad range of science and technology backgrounds has been working on the HAB challenge.

An extensive study of the lake and watershed has been mounted to understand the chemical, physical and biological processes involved. The information obtained on tributary studies will be critical in identifying where to place remediation efforts. The data from the extensive study of the lake will be instrumental in understanding the complexities of the lake, its nutrient composition, complex ecology, and fluid dynamics. This data will be used to develop a watershed and lake model. These models will help identify areas that contribute to HAB development by supplying nutrients that HAB’s require.

To mount studies of this complexity and importance, the efforts must be coordinated and collaborative. Through the SLA’s Nutrient Management Committee, the SLA is working with the NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Town of Skaneateles, Onondaga County, City of Syracuse Water Dept, Finger Lakes Land Trust (FLLT), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Onondaga County Soil and Water Conservation District, Syracuse University, SUNY-ESF and many more. This integrated approach has been very focused, action oriented and beneficial.

Some examples of our coordinated activities studying the lake and its tributaries are outlined below. The data obtained from these studies will be analyzed to identify the factors contributing to HABs. The data will also be utilized to build Lake/Watershed Models which will further aid in identifying key targets for remediation and generating predictive “what if” models.

  1. Citizens State Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP): This is a DEC funded effort to monitor temperature profiles, nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and a variety of other parameters at two lake sites, one north and one south. SLA Board members in private boats using DEC provided equipment take samples of lake water throughout the water column. Temperature, pH, conductivity and other physical parameters are measured and samples are processed and sent to the Upstate Freshwater Institute for chemical and biological analysis. This year sampling was coordinated with overhead satellite measurements in an effort to correlate conditions in the lake with satellite views of the lake.
  2. US Geological Survey Sonde: The US Geological Survey operates a sonde at the north CSLAP site which automatically makes physical measurements of water quality.
  3. DEC Transit Study: DEC is studying the biological content of waters off shore from multiple tributaries This project is designed to collect detailed temporal, vertical, and spatial data at multiple locations ranging from the open-water to nearshore. The information will be used to help understand the formation of HABS and cyanobacteria biomass in low/moderate nutrient lakes. In addition to determine the representativeness of the open water, long-term monitoring location compared to intensively monitoring, additional sites from this study.
  4. Sediment Study: The nutrient content of lake sediments is very high. These nutrients are potentially available to algae and HABs. This one-year Syracuse University study, funded by the SLA Legacy Fund, has taken 130 samples on 17 transects (from near shore to deeper waters) and will be analyzing the chemical composition and physical properties of the sediment. This information will help us understand the role sediments are playing in supporting algal growth.
  5. Zebra Mussel Program: DEC will initiate this state funded program in 2020. The purpose is to understand what role zebra mussels are playing in the occurrence of HAB’s. Studies on lakes in Michigan have suggested that in oligotrophic lakes such as Skaneateles Lake, mussels can facilitate algal blooms.
  6. Nutrient Loading studies:
    1. The town of Skaneateles has contracted with Upstate Freshwater Institute (UFI) over the past several years to monitor the 4 major tributaries flowing into the lake: Shotwell Brook, Grout Brook, Bear Swamp Creek, and Harold Brook. This monitoring has been extensively supported by the Legacy Fund as well. The resulting data collected will, when combined with other tributary and lake studies, aid in identifying key remediation sites.
    2. Nine minor tributaries are being monitored by Syracuse University. They are: 10 mile creek, 5 mile creek, Hardscrabble Brook, Withey Brook, 1 mile creek, Dowling Brook (2 sites), Fisher Brook, Bentley Brook and Glen Cove. They will be sampled on a regular basis under base flow conditions and during storm events. Sample collection is being done by a team of volunteers assembled by the SLA with collection of the samples coordinated by the SLA Executive Director.


  1. Atmospheric Loading: A significant fraction of the total nutrient loading to the lake occurs as a result of rain, snow and dust settling on the lake surface. The atmospheric contributions are being collected and analyzed by scientists and Syracuse University.
  2. Submergent Vegetation: The annual decomposition of submerged aquatic vegetation makes a contribution to the pool of available nutrients each year. Little is known, however, what the magnitude of this source is. Studies have been initiated in 2019 when samples of aquatic vegetation from around the lake were collected and analyzed for nutrient content.

All of these efforts are costly but they are producing critical data which will be utilized to build watershed and lake models. This data and resulting modeling efforts will be used to identify key areas of focus for remediation efforts. The remediation efforts, like the studies necessary to determine the causes of HABs are also Critical, Complex and Costly. The SLA with funding from the Legacy Fund for Skaneateles Lake has identified numerous smaller, but still costly remediation projects for early intervention as we anticipate NYS funds for the larger remediation projects that will be necessary.

The prevention of future HABs will depend on information from the studies being done and development of effective remediation, but prevention will also depend upon a watershed community of individuals committed to these efforts and each doing all that he/she can do to protect the lake. This includes every resident of the watershed community using effective landscaping practices (shoreline barrier planting to slow and control runoff into the lake, limitation of fertilizing to only what is indicated by soil testing, not clear cutting in the watershed and planting trees especially evergreens which are major filters of water). It also includes maintenance of septic systems and keeping roadside ditches clear of debris and yard waste and ensuring that they are not stripped to bare soil.   The Skaneateles Lake Association is available to provide access to resources to assist watershed residents in all of these areas. Use the “contact us” tab at to request assistance or advice. Everyone in the watershed has a role in preventing HABs and we hope that each watershed resident will join the Skaneateles Lake Association to help support our efforts. You can join the SLA and donate to the Legacy Fund online at or call 315-685-9106 to request a Member Registration Form and return envelope.

Source  Press Observer 12/4/18


General News

Wedding Bells that Rang for the Lake

Fran Rotunno Fish

Most of us who live in the Skaneateles Lake Community have seen more than one wedding photo shoot in progress in Cliff Park down by the lakefront. The lake is always the perfect background for the bridal party, the beautiful dresses, the men in formal attire and the flowers. It is just one of those special scenes in that occur on the lakefront.

But this week, the SLA mail rang with wedding bells. Well, not actual bells, but rather the joy of 24 weddings!

We received one check for $50.00 for EACH wedding that was held at Aster Weddings and Events. That was a lot of wedding bells ringing. That commitment of a $50.00 donation for each wedding was made by Shannon Pratten from Aster Weddings and Events last year and to date the SLA has received $1300 in donations from the weddings held there – 23 this year and 3 last year. We are so appreciative of Shannon for recognizing the importance of our beautiful lake and community as a drawing card for her event space.

We also received a membership and $500 donation to the Legacy Fund for Skaneateles Lake from a Abagail Duggan and Christopher Short who encouraged their wedding guests to make their wedding gifts be charitable donations to a few charities near and dear to the couple’s hearts. We are so very appreciative that Abagail and Christopher named the Skaneateles Lake Association as one of the charities. We have to believe that their guests’ opportunity to see the lake while here for the wedding helped them to make the SLA their selected charity.

We thank the following for sponsoring the Milfoil Boat for a day: Jeannie and Henry Slauson, The Slottje Family, John Osborne.

We thank Bev and Steve White for co-sponsoring the Milfoil Boat for a day.

We thank Casmir Bobowski, Laura & Sean O’Keefe, Charles Ryan & Eileen Murphy, Virginia & Jeffrey Stannard for sponsoring a Steward for a day.

We thank Anne & Charles Elroy for their support of the Hardy Fund.

During this third quarter of 2019, the SLA Board will be making important decisions about the efforts we can fund in 2020. Will we do more, the same or less to control Milfoil and protect the lake from invasive species? Will we be able to continue our efforts to conduct research and data collection to help identify the possible sources for the nutrient loading that cause Harmful Algal Blooms? Can we continue to plan for future mitigation projects to protect the lake as a source of drinking water, recreation and a driver of the area economy? Your annual SLA memberships and donations to the Legacy Fund for Skaneateles Lake will answer those questions. Please if you have received a notice that it is time to renew your annual membership, RENEW now and consider going beyond annual membership and making a donation to the Legacy Fund for Skaneateles Lake. You can renew and donate online at or you call 315-685-9106 if you need a registration form and return envelope mailed to you

Source:  Skaneateles Press Observer


General News

News from the Skaneateles Lake Association

Eyes on the Lake, Eyes on the Watershed      Fran Rotunno Fish

All season long SLA member, John MacAlister, has kept organized the 30 SLA members around the lake have served as volunteer Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) watchdogs. Keeping their eyes on the lake for suspicious looking water that could be or develop into a HAB they serve the lake community and beyond as they also served all who drink the lake water in the City of Syracuse and surrounding communities. In addition to these “official watchdogs” there were dozens of people in the lake community who also acted responsibly and reported water conditions of concern. These official volunteers and alert citizens were part of the effort that the SLA developed in response to the first HAB in 2017….an informed, participating community outreach citizen group. We all owe them a heartful thank you.

But, as we have all hopefully learned in the past 2 years, the protection of the lake water is dependent on the protection of the watershed. Thus, keeping watchful eyes on the watershed is very important to the health of the lake water. Various educational programs and printed materials that have been circulated and just plain common sense have resulted in our watershed community citizens keeping a watchful eye on the watershed and reporting to official agencies or to the SLA things that they observed that were of concern.

In the past few weeks two stories have come to the SLA that demonstrate the importance of having “eyes “on the watershed, as well as, eyes on the lake.

East side of the lake resident, Lois Exner, noted that a vendor doing some work on her property had obviously had a problem with some vehicle or equipment and she noted a large spill of what she suspected was some kind of oil on her property. The vendor covered it with some loose dirt that was available and drove off. She called them several times to attempt to get them to come back and take care of it properly….no response to her calls. Lois had her daughter email the SLA via the “contact us” tab on our website and we responded with a phone call and told her to call the DEC Emergency Spill line. She did and they called back in 10 minutes. With no response from the vendor and the threat of rain coming, the DEC came to the property, dug out the area and filled it in. Citizen alertness to the risk for the lake water, guidance from the SLA and a timely response from the DEC were the perfect combination of actions to protect the lake. The vendor will be fined and billed for the response. It would not have happened that way without an alert responsible citizen. Thank you, Lois Exner.

More recently, west side of the lake resident, Chris Legg, arrived home about 6:45 on a Wednesday evening and noted a collection of granular particles along a long stretch of the roadway and on the shoulder adjacent to the drainage ditch on the west side of the road. After seeing the extent of spill, Chris contact the City of Syracuse Water Department Emergency Line and notified the SLA via the “contact us” tab on our website. We contacted Bob Werner who lives in the area of the spill. Bob and Dave Laxton examined the granules and felt they were likely fertilizer but not pesticides. This visual determination by them was confirmed. The Skaneateles Lake Watershed Protection Program (SLWPP), the NYSDEC Spill Response on-call technician, Rich Abbot from the Syracuse Water Department and the Department of Transportation all coordinated in a timely manner and on the next morning a street sweeper was mobilized immediately to the spill area and the fertilizer was completely removed from the shoulder by 10:04 am, prior to the rain events. Again, an alert citizen, Chris Legg, and timely response from official agencies resulted in a timely, coordinated response that protected the lake.

Our official agencies all did a great job in both events of responding to “risk to the lake events” in the watershed. Our alert citizens with their eyes on the watershed enabled the response to be timely by making the calls to an official agency and notifying the SLA.

Please as you keep your eyes on the lake also keep your eyes on the watershed. If you see something, say something. If you do not know who to call or are reluctant to get involved for whatever reason, please inform us via the “contact us” tab on our website and we will get the issue of concern to the right agencies/agencies.

We thank the following for sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day: Katherine Cogswell & William Benson, Nancy & Ted Norman, Norma & David McCarthy, Jeannie & Henry Slauson, Greenfield Lane Association, Patrician Lynn & Steve Ford.

We thank the following for co-sponsoring the Milfoil Boar for a day or multiple days: Jacqueline & Charles Giancola, Ten Mile Point HOA, Bacon Hill HOA, Annette Otis & Dan Gaston, Kimberly & William Gilberti, Ann & David Lee, Stephen Legg, Suzanne & Davin Nagle, Diane & John Rizzo, Margaret Tourville, Kathleen & David Zapata, Leah & Thomas Valenti, Deborah & Jim Tifft, Lynne & Joseph Romano, Jane & Tom Hanley, Carla & David Goffe.

We thank the following for sponsoring an Invasive Species Monitoring Steward for a day: Jeannie & Kenneth Hutton, Deborah & Jim Tifft, Sandra Skiff & Doug Adams, Daisey & Michael Bongiovanni, Jen & Bill Mayo, Susan & James Soloman, Barbara & Robert Amsler, Kary & Ian Raddant, Kathleen & Chad Rogers, Paige Willard & Jane Phillips, Patricia Woodcock, Patty Weisse & George Thomas, Sharon & Fredrick Singler, Joanne Viggiano & Kenneth Cannon.

We thank the following for donations to the David Lee Hardy Fund which also supports our Invasive Species Monitoring Steward Program: Mary Beth & Jeff Carlberg, Sarah & Kristopher Kiefer, Pine Bluff HOA, Linda & Nicholas Rossi, Estlinbaum Barge & Crane, Mary Lou & Michael Cooper, Nancy & John Stenfeld, Nancy Peck.

Source:  Skaneateles Press Observer




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